What’s Coming In 2022? Kryon and Adironnda Look Ahead! | Jan 1, 2022 (Video)

Content Source:
Kryon Lee Carroll
As the original Kryon channel, I have been doing this now for more than 31 years. Everything that KRYON says in channel, anywhere on earth, is given away for FREE on my website – www.kryon.com/freeaudio. That is where the “motherlode” of the channelling are, in addition to YOUTUBE.

I make my living as a teacher, putting together the information that Kryon has given, writing books, doing live lectures, and special videos. Several times a year we do spectacular meetings with many presenters, or excursions to exotic places. All that is available to view on www.kryon.com/schedule.

This YOUTUBE channel has lots of KRYON channellings from all over the world with NO ADS. It also has an INDEX! You can find al the channellings in order, and  go right to them via the links on the index page. Click www.kryon.com/list.

Blessings to all of you!

Lee Carroll – The original Kryon Channel – 1989

Adironnda & Company
1 hr 33 min
First things first! 😁

Be sure to like the video and subscribe to the  ONLY OFFICIAL KRYON YOUTUBE CHANNEL!

Tune in to what 2022 has in store!! Kryon, Lee Carroll and Monika Muranyi are special guests on the 1/1 Double Digit!! 

Together with Adironnda, Marilyn Harper, Joeaux Robey and Randy Luna they explore the numerology and explain how even the astrology is effecting the energy of the coming year! 
What are we letting go of and what do we have the opportunity to embrace?

Come with us and let’s step into this coming year with a channelled message from Kryon, Adironnda, AND… YESHUA!

In this episode, these higher dimensional beings share their insights in order to ease humanity’s path. With their wisdom, the  intention is set to bring about global peace, hope and compassion as we move through these tremendously transitional times.



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