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The US Election Ascension Connection | Magenta Pixie | September 15, 2020 (Video)

New Earth Teachings, part 4: The US Election Ascension Connection
Content SourceMagenta Pixie
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Duration: ~ 1 hr 15 min
This video was published on Sep 15, 2020
Video Intro:
Magenta asked the Nine to clarify further, regarding a recent social media post she put out. This resulted in several downloads and further questions from Magenta, with responses from the Nine.
In this fourth video in the New Earth Teachings series, Magenta continues the analysis regarding the diamond core convergence of timelines and the importance for remaining in zero point for New Earth manifestation. Magenta also discusses why the Nine use metaphor and how that assists the starseeds and seekers of the way. At the 23:57 mark, Magenta begins to discuss the US election as event as timeline changer and reflection or manifestation of the diamond core, and the multiple possibilities and potentials within the convergence that could manifest as election outcomes. Presenting the Nine’s response as channelled transmission, ‘Event Match to Convergence Pulse’.
These Wisdom Codes and New Earth Teachings are delivered for awakened starseeds and truthseekers on the path of discovery and self-realisation. The third dimensional play out is discussed and Magenta presents her readings on the probability fields that are Earth’s potential future manifestations, whilst delivering enlightenment keys for all on an awakening and an ascension path.
This video is part of the ‘New Earth Teachings Series’. View the whole series at
Presented by Magenta Pixie.
Magenta Pixie Website:
Videos in this series, New Earth Teachings:
Part 1:
Kali Yuga – Into the Photon Belt (Atlantis Diamond Codes) | Magenta Pixie | September 11, 2020 (Video)
Part 2:
4D Domains, Silver Cores and the Disintegration of the Negative Elite Worlds | Magenta Pixie | September 13, 2020 (Video)
Part 3:
Life in Fourth Density, Future Earth Geology and the Neon Kingdoms | Magenta Pixie | September 14, 2020 (Video)
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