Senden Uzakta | Nilipek (Song)

 Nilipek is an Istanbul based musician.

Video Source:

LG Türkiye

Lyrics (Turkish with English translation):

Senden Uzakta
Tatsız çileklerden
Tatlı reçeller yaptım sana

(where away from you
i made sweet jams
from tasteless strawberries)

Senden uzakta
Mantıklı konuştum
Tuhaf insanlarla

(where away from you
i talked in a sensible way
with strange people)

Senden uzakta
Uzaklar karanlık
Yakınlar renksiz

(where away from you
distants are dark
near is colorless)

Senden uzakta
Kafam gürültülüyken
Evim sessiz

(where away from you
my house is silent
while my head is noisy)

Senden uzakta
Evim gürültülüyken
Kalbim sessiz

(where away from you
my heart is silent
while my house is noisy)


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