Refuse To Social Distance? New Study Says You May Be A Psychopath! – Spiro Skouras – Jun 24, 2020 (Video)
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Duration: 3 min 33 sec
This video was published on Jun 24, 2020
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Are you tired of social distancing? Tired of the lockdowns? Do you find yourself wishing things would just go back to normal like they were in 2019 when we were all just regular debt slaves to the central banks?
Well then you just might be a psychopath. That’s right according to a brand new peer reviewed study published on May 31st 2020 people who ignore the new normal protocols like social distancing display certain antagonistic personality traits.
Luckily, These traits have been identified and they are called the dark triad.
It appears we are fast approaching a time when opposing the establishment and questioning the government will be considered a mental disorder.
Adaptive and Dark Personality Traits in the Covid-19 Pandemic: Predicting Health-behavior Endorsement and the Appeal of Public-health Messages
Psychopathic traits linked to non-compliance with social distancing guidelines amid the coronavirus pandemic