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Petition – Ban the Use of Horses in Bullfighting! (Care2 Petition)

Source: Care2 Petitions

Quoting from the introduction to the petition:

by: Seamus Shannon

target: Spain, France, Portugal, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, and Ecuador Governments

“We need to collect as many signatures as possible to flag the horrific practice of using horses in bullfighting.

Horses used in bullfights are old horses, sold after serving for their whole lives. Their vocal cords are mutilated so that they can not scream in fear when the bulls approach them, or when they suffer pain. So the public does not even realize when these animals suffer. When the bullfight starts, horses are blindfolded, with Vaseline and cotton in the their ears and nostrils to deprive them of their senses. This is a whole new level of cruelty and inhumanity.

Thankfully in countries where bullfighting is allowed, it is increasingly becoming recognised as sheer barbarity. This savagery involves two animals, bulls and horses. While the bulls are guaranteed to die, the future of the horses is often no brighter. These horses are often gored even though they are protected by what is termed a “peto”, or a protective cape. These petos often do little more than hide the horse’s wounds. These animals are used to entertain a crowd that lusts for blood and claims that bullfighting is a tradition and “cultural heritage”. The continuation of bullfighting depends on government subsidies and the tourist industry, so please help to discourage these sadistic displays.”

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