‘Krystalline Samhain 11-11 Stargate, November 11th 2019’ by Magenta Pixie (Video)
Content Source/Owner: Magenta Pixie
Video direct url: https://youtu.be/TlrAN_oALYI
This video was originally published on Nov 10, 2019.
Video Intro (by Magenta Pixie):
Keycodes and triggers for unlocking skeletal storage of full Krystalline matrix coding at the time of the Samhain gateway energy. Lunar seed planting into merged 11-11 stargate – culminating on 11th November 2019.
* A transcript of this message is available at https://www.magentapixie.com/uploads/1/0/9/2/1092155/krystalline_samhain_11-11_stargate.pdf
Magenta Pixie has also recorded a series of videos analysing this transmission. View the entire ‘Krystal Stargate Series’ at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL90JHPcGcha-5GCEhy3Os3oTxsGp510jD