Introducing WHLF (World Healing and Liberty Foundation)

An introduction to the World Healing and Liberty Foundation (WHLF) which has been founded recently and is looking for members from all over the World.

Content Source: WHLF

The following content is from the introductory letter:

At World Healing & Liberty Foundation, all persons obtain membership for free who are interested in the exchange of experiences and knowledge on the topics covered by the Foundation and who choose to support the goals of the Foundation.

The Foundation will act internationally and worldwide without any borders. Given the apparent climate changes and the increasing concern over the degradation of our oceans, fresh water supplies – rivers, lakes, streams and ground waters – as well as the degradation of our arable lands due to unsustainable agricultural practices, degradation of our air quality, damaged and diminishing ozone layer, the decay of our cities, the destruction and mismanagement of our forest lands, global poverty, the alarming number of homeless, the continued widening of the gap between the rich and the poor, the disappearance of the middle class – so necessary for societal stability – and growing political and social unrest and global tensions, it is clear that now is the time for forward thinking people to come together and collaborate in an effort to solve the many problems and meet the many challenges that confront us today, and might very well endanger the sustainability of the Earth and put our very survival as a species in jeopardy.

It is time to go beyond theoretical discussions about how we can as a people solve these problems and meet these challenges and actually initiate projects globally to create sustainable communities that provide the necessary environment that enable all involved to enjoy a high quality of life in a fair, just, equitable and sustainable social setting.

Accordingly, we are extending an invitation to all who would be part of this movement to join us in realizing this forward thinking and sustainable vision that can take us into a future that will unleash the human capacity for creativity, adaptability, invention and desire and ability to take the human experience to the next level – together.

We invite those who have the means and ability to support, sponsor, fund and assist in managing the projects – their participation is most necessary – and we invite all who desire to be part of these community projects and are willing to do what is necessary to create these communities and participate in creating a sustainable future for themselves and ultimately all humans. 

Some of us can provide finances, guidance, management, developmental and organizational skills, some of us can provide construction, agricultural, land management and social skills, and some of us can come in as apprentices and provide necessary labor while learning the other skills essential and necessary to creating the community we envision.

The possibilities of the communities are limitless: clean energy, sustainable agriculture, efficient manufacturing technologies, creating a society that ensures the realization of everyone’s highest potential, and taking ourselves and ultimately all humanity to the next level – together.

The Foundation’s initial goal is to purchase and secure land in different countries with fresh water sources on the property: streams, rivers, lakes and natural springs. This will provide all members access to fresh drinking water worldwide.

We are currently negotiating for the purchase of land in Paraguay, Colombia, Canada, Austria, Finland, Norway, Laos, Mongolia, New Zealand and Cap Verde. These properties can also be used for ecological and sustainable farming.

We will also provide appropriate specialists and experts for economic advice to our members who wish to realize their entrepreneurial goals. Through our contacts we also offer our access to experts who are working on Quantum Healing, Free Energy, Sustainable Agriculture and Manufacturing Technologies, Social Systems Design, Architecture and Construction Technologies and an emphasis on Enlightenment – lightening up, thinking and acting in a way that will enable us to take the human
experience to the next level – TOGETHER.

We are very interested to making inquiry into what’s really going on here in our world – what many call “conspiracy theories” – and determining how we can best position ourselves to thrive in the current circumstances and move effectively towards creating the reality that we choose to experience. We agree with Buckminster Fuller: “The way to effectively change a system is not to oppose the current system, but to create a new system that renders the old system obsolete”.

Upgrade your karma by being part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

Please understand that the World Healing and Liberty Foundation is in the formulation stage, so exactly how it is structured and operated are yet to be determined and, of course, the required resources, both financial and human are yet to be fully in place. If you find the goals and intent of the Foundation interesting and wish to have further details, email us or send us your membership application form at:

The Foundation has the following objectives:

1. Development and safeguarding of independent fresh-water sources worldwide

2. Autonomous Farming

3. Quantum Healing

4. Economic independence of members

5. Establishment of regional WHLF co-ordinators

6. Free current information exchange

8. Support of other selected social projects

9. Philanthropy Projects

10. Research Group (conspiracy theories, esoteric, quantum structures, healing,
channeling, remote viewing ETs, UFOs and many more topics)

11. Free monthly WHLF News-Letter

We welcome you to become the WHLF Co-Ordinator in any country where the post is
open – just tick the box on the application form.

We can Change the World and put it on an Effective and Sustainable Path to the Future
we all choose to experience.

WHLF Structure:


New Zealand


New Zealand: Dr. Tony Minervino (Co-Founder)

Germany: Dr. Peter Goldmann (Co-Founder)

Mongolia: Dr. Dashgunsen Bayar

UK: Amar Biswas

Paraguay: Marc Bergmann

Thailand: Christopher Stagg

India: Bhaskar Arigela

USA: Richard Anteau


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2 Responses

  1. This is very cool!!! Thank you for
    your work in the world. In unity, R

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