Homo Sorosensus | Amazing Polly | Mar 11, 2020 (Video)

Update and a mini-rant (Aug 5, 2020): Another shameful example of Google/YouTube’s Thought Policing and a violation of our right to Free Speech.

The original video has been removed by Google (the usual msg: “This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines.”). The video was titled ‘Homo Sorensus’, a reference to George Soros. The usage of this term was not a slur on this globalist. In fact, that term was used in one of the Soros related organization’s publications about a new kind of individual in terms of thinking, evolution, and named in honor of the funder/sponsor.

So as usual YouTube cannot really justify why they censored this video. They might as well come out into the open and rebrand themselves as ‘Big Brother’. Sigh, I rest my case.

I have edited this post with the links to the same video on Bitchute.

Post Cover Image

Content Source/Owner: Amazing Polly

Polly’s Bitchute channelhttps://www.bitchute.com/channel/ZofFQQoDoqYT/

Bitchute video direct urlhttps://www.bitchute.com/video/b63jY0EtGOk/

For ref: censored YT video url: https://youtu.be/b63jY0EtGOk

Duration: ~ 24 min

This video was published on Mar 11, 2020

Video Intro

What’s with the weird title?? You find out near the end so stay tuned, it’s a jaw dropper!

George and his vast network of subversive NGOs have been caught out wielding massive & anti-democratic influence on the European Court of Human Rights.

THANK YOU very much to each and every person who has sent me something. I am truly blessed to be able to do this work and I am deeply moved by your notes & letters. Thank you all. There are so many brilliant, strong people in this world! ♥

If you are inclined to support the work I do or would like to say thank you with a financial contribution I would be honoured and delighted if you would use either paypal or my PO Box to do so. Here are the details:

Paypal:  https://paypal.me/PollyStGeorge
PO Box can be found here:  amazingpolly.net/contact.html


Report on Soros’ influence on ECHR:  https://eclj.org/ngos-and-the-judges-of-the-echr?lng=en

RT article on the report: https://www.rt.com/op-ed/481651-george-soros-european-court-judges/


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