Heads Up – A Powerhouse Month Ahead! | Amanda Ellis | Jul 21, 2021 (Video)
Content Source/Owner:
Amanda Ellis
4 Important Weeks ahead! What will the two Aquarian Moons herald in? One is on 23/24th July and the next on 22nd August – both bring in a huge new wave of energy that lands us in different terrain with another outlook and perspective. Also, a nod to incoming Lions Gate energies – we are already told of new ‘DNA software’ to be gifted to us by spirit for those requesting the gift. (I will guide you through it in my 8/8 Video). It seems to link into letting go of old programming and mind control so we can access New Earth energies better.
Cards also highlighting remembrance of earlier civilisations and our skills (Atlantis and Lemuria) and building the New Crystalline Civilisation to come.
New Earth arising via Purification (Fire & Heat) and Cleansing via Water / Flooding – Ascension Update for Mother Earth – we have to move with her…this process can’t be stopped.
Pivotal time arriving also where we are asked to look at what QUALITIES do we want from Leaders – in all areas of life – our communities, families and nations. We are at crux point letting go old paradigms but what will we choose to birth? Joseph again comes in as a Role Model for the new Divine Masculine energy – Gentle Giants …
Tuning in to our Higher Selves, Increasing intuitive abilities- new ideas, thoughts and beliefs.
Working with the Air Elemental and Earth elemental to steer us through these days and weeks.
The lightening flash of healing energy bought in via both Full Moons – stop to receive it.
Working with the Air Elemental and Earth elemental to steer us through these days and weeks.
The lightening flash of healing energy bought in via both Full Moons – stop to receive it.
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Decks Used The Magical Nordic Tarot – Jayne Wallace and Hannah Davies, Gaia Oracle Toni Carmine Salerno, Archangel Metatron Self Mastery Oracle – Amanda Ellis & Jane Delaford Taylor. The Mandala Vortex – Ivana Novacic www.ivananovacic.com