Excerpt: Chapter 11: More US Military, CIA, Private Contractor and UN Perversions Driving the Sex Trafficking Network | Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State | Joachim Hagopian | PedoEmpire.org

Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State by Joachim Hagopian
I’m posting this book as a series of book excerpts chapter by chapter. The complete book is available free for reading online on PedoEmpire.org The printed edition of this book has also been released in 4 volumes. An E-book version can be purchased for Amazon Kindle as individual chapters.

Content OwnerJoachim Hagopian

Content SourcePedoEmpire.org

NOVEMBER 19, 2017
Chapter 11: More US Military, CIA, Private Contractor and UN Perversions Driving the Sex Trafficking Network
Joachim Hagopian
Cover Credit: Nora Maccoby with permission
One Brave Marine Colonel’s Wife’s Disturbing Observations Confirm the Luciferian Network

Seemingly without end, pedophilia in the US military constantly keeps resurfacing. In addition to exposing the CIA and US State Department embassies across the Far East for their blatant abuse of Asian children servicing visiting American VIP pedophiles and hosting US diplomatic perverts, former naval intelligence officer Wayne Madsen also uncovered a vast network of his fellow naval officers in the 1980’s running a stateside child pornography ring, extending from San Francisco and Oregon to Chicago and DC that Secretary of Navy John Lehman covered up.[1] This naval pedo-operation occurred on George HW Bush’s watch as VP and president, in addition to the infamous Franklin scandal (to be covered in Chapter 13) that trafficked in children from Nebraska’s world famous Catholic Boys Town orphanage for “midnight tours at the White House.”[2]

Not to be outdone, when it came Junior’s turn at prez, George W. had his own version of White House “midnight tours” in gay prostitute and multiple internet porn site operator Jeff Gannon whose real name is James D. Guckert. While posing as a fake White House reporter from 2003 till he got busted in 2005, Gannon clocked in over 200 White House appearances, at least 14 sleepovers and 32 visits on days when no press conference was even scheduled.[3] Among Gannon’s numerous gay sites and personas (aside from Bush lover), “Bulldog” was invented to cater to homosexual US Marines.[4] Bush’s intimate link to Gannon and convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff as procuring pimps in an AIPAC sponsored child trafficking and prostitution blackmail ring carried out at DC’s finest hotels – Watergate, Ritz Carlton and the Sheraton[5] provided more than enough evidence to confirm that Washington’s child sex trafficking remained active throughout the entire four decade long Bush-Clinton crime family dynasty right up to today’s Pizzagate-turned-Pedogate scandal. In December 2006 Bush fired eight US attorneys to ward of his own pedo scandal from going public. As a backdrop to all this sordid criminal activity and cover-up comes the disturbing testimony of a wife married to a US Marine Corps colonel who confessed to her his and his nation’s countless dark, down and dirty sins that fortunately for us his patriotic, God-fearing wife could not keep secret.

Kay Griggs, former spouse of retired Colonel George Raymond Griggs, exposed the plethora of perversions and multiple illegalities of US military intelligence operations around the globe through her ex-husband’s criminal exploits as part of the elite’s assassination squad.[6] Colonel Griggs disclosed to her his intimate ties to Henry Kissinger, both Bush senior and junior, Caspar Weinberger, William Colby, Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, as well as dozens of America’s top military brass. In 1998 Kay Griggs described in detailed interviews totaling near 8 hours in length the dark inner world of US Empire’s dirty politics, including the illicit gun running, international drug smuggling, illegal money laundering, systemic pedophilia and rampant homosexuality that goes on regularly at the highest reaches of the US government.[7] Much of Kay Griggs’ bombshell disclosures are verified by either history or subsequent confirmed research, dovetailing consistently with how the Illuminati secret societies operate at the highest echelons of power in government geopolitics, military, banking, education and the corporate world.

Kay’s personal story as a member of an upstanding prominent Virginia family in the Virginia Beach-Norfolk area has deep connections to the US military, military intelligence, her Protestant Christian roots and her local community. Griggs’ first 20-year marriage was to John Garland Pollack III, grandson of a former Virginia governor. Her son from that marriage wed into the wealthy Blum family, a known member of the Pilgrims Society that runs regularly with the Rockefellers.[8] This is the “high society” that combined with her second marriage, Kay continued peripherally circulating and rubbing elbows with all her life, though she would never identify herself as an elite per se, more a traditional-minded, old fashioned patriotic gal who loves Jesus Christ, her family and country above all else in this world… all three longtime targeted enemies of the Illuminati gang[9] her Marine Corps husband was so closely associated with and took direct orders from.

The Pilgrims Society, an American-British elitist organization in which the US branch was founded in 1902, is considered the Eastern Establishment closely related to the most prominent banking families whose members are always educated at the top Ivy League institutions Harvard, Yale and Princeton.[10] Throughout its existence the Pilgrims Society has financed a number of fascist regimes, including such reigns of terror as Spain’s Franco, Italy’s Mussolini, Germany’s Hitler, Soviet Russia’s Stalin and Red China’s Mao, as well as the Japanese Imperial Empire. Under the misnomer of the free enterprise system, its anti-competition, globalized monopoly is anything but free, and true ideology more akin to British Fabianism, Cecil Rhodes and Marxism. A largely unknown globalist New World Order secret society, the Pilgrims possess deep state ties branching out from London, Washington and Brussels.

Notable past and present US members include the likes of David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, current CFR president Richard Haas, Generals Alexander Haig and David Petraeus, former Reagan and Bush Defense and State Secretaries Caspar Weinberger and George Schultz, Vietnam War architect Robert McNamara, Clinton’s former CIA director James Woolsey, and former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker. As an old wealth bastion of Anglo-American Empire Establishment, the Pilgrims Society operating on both sides of the Atlantic is especially steeped in deep state intelligence and shadow government neo-conservatism. For well over a century concentrated wealth, global power and control are synonymous with the Anglo-American Pilgrims Society.[11]

In her interviews Kay states that her husband Colonel Griggs, a practicing daily alcoholic, used his wife as his confessional during the first three years of their 11 year rocky marriage starting in the late 1980’s. While under the influence, he openly would regularly admit to all his past sins in the name of dutiful service to his country as a military intelligence officer deployed in covert operations around the globe working for the ruling elite.[12] George Griggs’ early military career had him honing his assassination skills in the deadly CIA Phoenix Program during the Vietnam War,[13] the same one that Lt. Michael Aquino cut his teeth (or fangs) on.[14] A few years later Griggs participated in Operation Gladio, the US-NATO joint terrorist operations conducted in Western Europe, Turkey and Lebanon.[15]

Kay learned how the inside world of elite cronyism politics and perverse secret society networks brutally rule this planet through US-NATO Empire’s foreign policy trademarks – neocolonialism, war and terrorism.[16] She names three consecutive top US Marine Corps generals who served as Joint Chiefs of Staff members from 1987-1999 who were also leaders of her ex-husband’s covert homosexual-bisexual brotherhood – Generals Alfred Gray, Carl Mundy and Charles Krulak.[17] Kay Griggs also reveals by name a handful of other mostly bisexual generals and government dignitaries who regularly participated in orgies, pedophilia and homosexuality around the world. Kay even outed Illuminati chairman Henry Kissinger for forcing anal sex on young American soldiers in Cambodia during the Vietnam War, then threatened to have his victims killed if they told.[18]

Kay Griggs spoke of the very same rites of passage for initiates amongst both the Marine Corps officer ranks earning full bird colonel status as well as the Cap and Gown secret society at her husband’s Princeton University alma mater, Yale’s counterpart to Skull and Bones.[19] The initiation ceremonies of all three secret societies are purposely designed to humiliate and degrade fresh newly selected inductees each year, forcing them to take turns from inside an open casket performing acts of fellatio and be on the receiving end of anal sex as part of their sworn to secrecy ritual in return for fast track Faustian keys to the kingdom that catapult their careers as Empire movers and shakers.[20] Those refusing to undergo this Luciferian designed for blackmail control program don’t receive the same favor up the ladder to success, in the same way that one must be a compromised if not a pedophile killer to end up as a top tier puppet to the planetary controllers. The common theme in all these occult, dancing-with-the-devil inductions, be it members joining the elite military brotherhood or Eastern Establishment or 33 degree Freemasonry as future presidents and puppet heavyweights, all are sworn to secrecy (or death) for the same perverse, blackmail-able acts and reasons to ensure lifelong control, loyalty and elitist cohesion.

The military brotherhood ceremony starts off with downing oceans of booze to loosen up initiates for what comes next. Alcohol as an inhibitor-breaker and the intense pressures of obedience within the US military hierarchical chain of command effectively induce submission and acquiescence, breaking down whatever personal moral or repugnant resistance to anal sex and homosexuality one may initially pre-possess.[21] It’s both an act of intimate male bonding as well as experiencing the humiliation as initiates assuming the weaker position to anally accept raw male power and control literally and brutally thrust upon and in them by their “superiors.” It likens back to Nazi Germany with many gay officers in the SS. Like Aquino, sometimes the ceremonial leader even wears a Nazi uniform.[22] When all is said and done, inductees become both controllable and controlling automatons, part of a secret brutal government killing machine. Kay states her belief that these grown men’s emotional development is stuck in adolescence, never quite maturing to adulthood.[23] Though there is probable truth to her supposition, the power and control differential lies at the root of this ritualized male intimacy and closeted, humiliating degradation.

Also keep in mind that many of these initiates have undergone similar ritualized mind control experience occurring at various earlier stages in their life, often beginning in childhood as Illuminati’s “chosen” preppie super soldiers, traversing upwards through the ticket-punching process to the top of the Illuminati food chain.[24] But instead of pledging loyalty and allegiance to God, country and Constitution, which all who serve in government and military must do, even if merely going through the motions, very early on they are engrained and conditioned to strictest loyalty first and foremost to their secret Luciferian, all male, elitist membership[25] promising lifetime power, money, speedy promotion and lifelong protection and impunity from all accountability.[26] The idea is they are so special that their secret membership guarantees them living above the law throughout their lifetime. As a side note, while Yale’s Skull and Bones Society broke tradition a quarter century ago accepting females into its inner circle,[27] elitist schools like Harvard as well as the US military “brotherhood” remain holdout bastions of male bonding.

For the sake of compliance in all their state-ordered bloody transgressions committed throughout their high powered careers, all under “national security” protection, elitist members are assured their sins will always remain secret and go unpunished, a primary perk that’s an absolute necessity for their inner club sanctum’s very survival. It begs the question how many of America’s top leaders are completely controlled by blackmail through secret acts of pedophilia and homosexuality?[28] Be it volitional or chemically induced through deception, alcohol or drugs, insiders maintain that to reach the top, every single leader must submit to this Luciferian rite of passage.

This process, minus the sexual perversion component, to a striking degree parallels the rigorous four-year military leadership training program offered at the three US service academies – West Point, Annapolis and the Air Force Academy. As a West Point graduate from the Class of 1973, I was a onetime roommate[29] of two current CFR members[30] who were both Army rising stars, Generals John Abizaid,[31] the longest running commander of both the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars in charge of CENTCOM from 2003-2007, and Karl Eikenberry,[32] Ambassador to Afghanistan (2009-2011) immediately following his stint as Afghanistan War commander (2005-2007). In the West Point class directly behind me were three more luminaries, General David Petraeus,[33] [34] also a regular Bilderberger attendee and onetime CIA director (2011-12) until his fall from grace in November 2012 resulting from his exposed extramarital affair with his young biographer and fellow academy grad from 1996 Paula Broadwell.[35] Also hailing from the Class of 1974 is recent retired Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (2011-2015) General Martin Dempsey,[36] and architect of today’s Orwellian surveillance system,[37] US history’s longest tenured NSA Director General Keith Alexander (2005-2014).[38]

Having been educated and trained in leadership at the same military institution of higher learning as all these Empire warlords, as firsthand witness I can attest to the piss poor quality leadership that’s emerged from West Point for over half a century, bemoaning an abysmal track record of losing all of America’s nonstop wars.[39] But that’s not due to just poor leadership but also by the globalist design to always maintain a manufactured enemy for the benefit of the military industrial complex.[40] With the agenda of global destabilization the priority, perpetual unwinnable wars remain good business for both profit and global control.[41]

West Point as the Brass Factory on the Hudson takes the supposed “best and brightest,” and “cream of the crop” (oft heard expressions) from America’s high schools and prep schools (and to a limited extent, from the world), systematically strips them of their previous identity through a dehumanizing mind control disciplinary hazing system, then begins incrementally rewarding them based on demonstrated compliance and rule enforcement.[42] In effect, this system is predicated on building egos back up shaped and controlled by a rigid authoritarian hierarchy that merely churns out the “best” followers as Machiavellian robots who for X number of years are evaluated and promoted simply based on how well they do what they’re told as order followers.[43] This mechanical, corrupted, by-the-step seniority system both rewards mindless mediocrity and generates psychopathy producing only the best followers – not leaders, strategically and ambitiously navigating up the ladder playing the amoral game of cutthroat politics, ass kissing ingratiation and paper-pushing bureaucracy. Because the rules of today’s monolithic power matrix are identical throughout every corrupt institutional domain, leadership across the boards – not just the military but in government, finance, business, law, law enforcement and education, by design produces only psychopaths. To gain entrance to this exclusive club at the top, you must be a fellow psychopath.[44] This morally bankrupted Luciferian system wouldn’t have it any other way.

Ultimately those who have minds of their own, who may still retain some semblance of inner conscience, integrity, creativity, a natural humane capacity for dynamic quality leadership, either by choice leave the academy during their first two years or their first chance five years out upon completing their post-grad commitment.[45] In recent decades after receiving their half million dollar free ride on tax paid scholarship, the officer retention rates or return on federal investment amongst “the best and brightest” is abysmally low because of horrendous attrition rates,[46] by default, leaving only inferior leaders as “superiors.” Hence, this psychopathic game of seniority spawning today’s admirals and generals is generally devoid of either conscience or morality. With universal principle of “like attracts like,” psychopaths at the top will only allow fellow psychopaths to join their private elitist club. The story of Kay Griggs’ ex who spent almost forty years following orders as a well-paid, highly protected, mind controlled assassin exemplifies these soulless sub-humans atop America’s power pyramid. Only Col. George Griggs as a used and abused assassin must have had at least a tinge of guilty conscience, since he was compelled to drown himself in liquor every day and compulsively use his wife as his confessional.

George Raymond Griggs came from a family of modest means, likely an MK Ultra victim at pubescence separated from his two parents who moved from New Jersey to California, placing young George under the care of his uncle, a military intelligence officer. Griggs would not see his parents for another eight years. In the meantime, he was enrolled in Hun School, a wealthy private prep academy located in Princeton, New Jersey. It was there that Griggs met his lifelong mentor Charles Caddock, the assistant headmaster who George would retain close correspondence with until Charles’ death in 1985. Charles Caddock was a homosexual who became the bodyguard and mentor to three royal House of Saud princes, Mohammed bin Faisal (1937-2017), Saud bin Faisal (1940-2015) and Turki bin Faisal (1945- ) on loan for US education from Saudi Arabia during the 1950’s.[47]

It was at Hun School that George, along with the royals, may have been first introduced to pedophilia by their pederast mentoring headmaster Caddock, all reputedly playing male bonding games running naked in the woods together. Interestingly, based on Kay Griggs relayed account from her husband, two of America’s premier scientists of the 1950’s were invited to the local Princeton parties.[48] Albert Einstein apparently took time off from calculating his relativity and quantum physics theories to show up and blow off steam sexually victimizing young Hun schoolboys. And J. Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, was known to frequent the Princeton Cap and Gown sex parties.[49] Kay Griggs’ husband also confessed to later running naked through the redwood forest as a Marine Corps officer at Bohemian Grove,[50] engaging in homosexual pedophilia “games” where known child sacrifice takes place as part of a decadent, elitist, Satan worshipping tradition.[51]

Among Charles’ high powered fellow gay friends was a student advisor/programmer Alexander Robinson who also had a US Marine military intelligence background and acted as liaison to the Saudi royal family.[52] Wealthy, oil-rich families from Saudi Arabia have held a longtime tradition engaging in pedophilia, linked directly to the massive global child sex trafficking rings operating today that transport enslaved young children captives from Europe, North America and Asia to the Middle East for pedophile sheiks and princes to use up and throw away.[53] Though questionable whether the Hun experience was the first time that either George or his schoolmate princes were sexually molested by homosexual predators, what seems certain is that Griggs was an MK Ultra mind control victim sexually abused by his programming handlers Caddock and Robinson.

Kay Griggs points out the parallels between alleged Kennedy “assassin” Lee Harvey Oswald and her husband, adding how they even look alike. Like Oswald while still young, George Griggs had been targeted for mind control training to become a government super soldier assassin.[54] Even Presidents Clinton (Masonic sponsored Order of DeMolay in youth,[55] Rhodes scholar, CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission),[56] Bush Jr. (Skull and Bones)[57] and Obama[58]( CIA bred[59] Bilderberg attendee[60]) as young lads were very likely mind controlled and groomed to assume top puppet power positions as adults.[61] The colonel’s wife believes that those who control the government are grooming emotionally weak boys with strong attachments to their mothers and weak or absent fathers as future power pyramid occupants, carefully profiled individuals who will most easily be brainwashed and controlled.[62] This system that spawns puppet leadership funnels an inordinate number of Ivy Leaguers through its mind control factory, methodically shaped and molded for top government posts.

George Griggs entered Princeton University on full scholarship in 1955 where he was a school cheerleader, soon enough invited into Princeton’s secret Cap and Gown society. Among his fellow Princeton grads also selected to join the Cap and Gown society and attending the same sex parties as Kay’s husband were:

Murdered CIA director (1973-1976) William Colby,[63] [64] Knight of Malta CIA deputy director (1978-1981) and Secretary of Defense (1987-1989) under Reagan-Bush as well as Carlyle Group chairman (1992-2003) Frank Carlucci.[65] [66] [67] It was insiders Carlucci and George H.W. Bush, former CIA director (1976-77), VP (1981-1989), first “out of the closet” NWO president (1989-1993)[68] and member of virtually every major Illuminati society,[69] who were both meeting with their partner the Saudi bin Laden family on the very morning of 9/11 at DC’s Ritz Carlton Hotel.[70] Another active Cap and Gown-er on that fateful day was Bush Junior’s fellow co-conspirator and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, a ’54 grad who Col. Griggs especially admired.[71]

An earlier infamous Princeton alumnus and US traitor was co-founding CFR member Allen Dulles, also a Knight of Malta and Freemason, US history’s first and longest running CIA director (1953-1961) and prime suspect in the JFK assassination after being fired two years earlier.[72] [73] Two more recent CFR-Pilgrims Society-Bohemian Grove attendees”[74] currently still peddling the carbon tax based on the bogus “manmade” CO2 climate change hoax are Reagan and Bush senior’s Secretaries of State (1982-1989) George Schultz[75] and (1989-1992) James Baker.[76] Back in the day they’re also said to have partied down at Col. Griggs’ Cap and Gown pedophile gigs. Schultz was considered a “close friend,”[77] and also a Bechtel president[78] and career company man predatorily neck deep in CIA, chemical weapons, and Saudi oil with his fellow Princeton princes. The Ivies, CIA/military intelligence and Illuminati as a common thread stay constant.

Whether collegiate George knew it yet or not, as an ROTC student on scholarship majoring in the French language, he was being systematically programmed for a career in military intelligence, graduating from the prestigious elite institution in 1959 when he accepted a second lieutenant commission in the US Marine Corps.[79] Under the umbrage of his ROTC training as a French major, 19-year old Griggs was sent off to Rome in 1956 to attend NATO Defense College. Decades later, Col. Griggs would be in charge of NATO PSYOPS in the Mediterranean. Marine Intelligence officer Griggs was a carefully groomed, highly skilled assassin in US Special “black ops” Operations, in wartime first in 1966-67 as a captain deployed in Vietnam’s Phoenix [assassination] Program and later sent to kill repeatedly on every corner of the globe. When his wife questioned him about murdering others for a living, like every brainwashed henchman Griggs insisted it was not murder, not when simply obeying an order from superiors to kill the designated enemy and not when it was professionally executed with complete emotional detachment.[80]

Years later in the early 1980’s as Chief of Staff of the US Task Force in Lebanon, Col. Griggs allegedly assassinated a British double agent spy who happened to be American University in Beirut’s President Malcolm Kerr, because Kerr allegedly objected to US undercover operations taking over and residing in Kerr’s university dormitories.[81] Kay went on to explain that throughout Griggs’ tour of duty in Lebanon, he was cheating on his first wife involved in an affair with an American CIA double agent married to an Arab man who fatefully became Kerr’s successor as university president. Col. Griggs was also part of the covert Bekaa Valley operation in Lebanon, alleged to be privy to pre-knowledge of the US Marine barracks explosion that killed 241 US soldiers in 1983.[82] Other corroborative evidence supports the contention as Mossad apparently knew of the preeminent attack but chose to let it happen in order to enflame US-Arab relations.[83]

Kay Griggs also explained in 1998 that the US was currently waging covert military operations in the Balkan War in Bosnia to train assassins, illegally sell weapons, move drugs and launder money.[84] Covered later in this chapter is the criminal collaboration between the Clintons, NATO, the UN, US military, DynCorp[85] and the mob conjointly trafficking in children and women from other countries into sexual bondage as well as setting up the burgeoning black market trade for organ harvesting and trafficking. Brutally cutting out organs from live, often involuntary war zone donors is the heinous dirty business of prime culprits Israel and the US.[86]

Another key aspect of Col. Griggs’ specialty was profiling and training young boy assassins that involves pedophilia, blackmail, and promises of US citizenship in 5 years along with steady “super soldier” employment. The US Special Ops possess training sites around the globe preparing teams of boy assassins undergoing mind control brainwashing as Empire’s robot killers.[87] Innocent young foreign nationals primarily from poor Third World countries are typically profiled, recruited and “groomed” to psychologically “turn” targeted boys into coldblooded killers. Robert Kennedy’s alleged assassin – the Syrian born Sirhan Sirhan, is believed to have been a programmed Manchurian candidate, set up to take the rap in 1968 for neutralizing RFK as yet another deep state threat,[88] like his older brother, Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X before him. All have been proven to be inside jobs committed by the same Illuminati forces complete with their FBI/CIA handlers and targeted stooges. Little has changed in the power base that runs this world since.
For the earlier posts in this series, please see the links below:

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