Christ & Metatron – Answering Doreen Virtue | Amanda Ellis | Nov 23, 2020 (Video)
3 Other videos I have done before on Doreen Virtue and her new path away from ‘New Age’ are here:
Please let us as a community respect all views, this is simply an answer to Doreen’s latest attack on Archangel Metatron as a Demonic energy…which is unfounded and untrue. If she would allow comments on any of her Social Media accounts I would not have to speak up as you could do so there if so called…
I am speaking up because I have been asked to – if you don’t agree with that – please move on and I will see you next video …
The references to Metatron I believe in the bible are eg in Revelations ‘Then I saw another extremely powerful angel coming out of heaven, robed in a cloud. There was a halo over his head like a rainbow; his face shined bright like the sun, and his legs like pillars of fire’
Much Love Amanda xx