175: Galactic Slave Trade & Time Experiments with Rebecca Rose | The enLIGHTenUP Podcast | Oct 20, 2020
Episode #175 of The enLIGHTenUP Podcast by Nicole Frolick:
Galactic Slave Trade & Time Experiments with Rebecca Rose
There was a problem with the audio until the 7 min mark, so I’ve linked the video to start at this point. If you would like to see the introduction to this episode, please go to the beginning of the video.
Content Source/Owner: Nicole Frolick
Video direct url: https://youtu.be/HdJYv4jrT_M?t=420
Duration: 1 hr 25 min
This video was published on Oct 20, 2020
Video Intro:
Rebecca Rose returns to the show to share her experience with abduction and trauma-based mind control and how she was used off-planet as a weaponized asset and owned by the Draco on planet X.
REBECCA’S WEBSITE: https://rebeccarosebarfoot.com/
REBECCA’S YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7DwtHxJVOcns-8dCrtz4IA
PROTECT THE VOTE MEDITATION: http://protectthevote.live/
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